Sale! Jesus in Genesis (Understanding the Bible Series) Kameel Majdali View larger

Jesus in Genesis (Understanding the Bible Series) Kameel Majdali


In the New Testament, it talks about Christ, the Beginning, creation, and the good news and free gift, called the Gospel. Among his numerous titles, he is called the creator and the 'Second Adam.'

It is the first book of the Bible and it talks about God, the beginning, creation, and the first Adam.
MP3 Audio files with printable PDF notes.

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With printable PDF notes.




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In the Beginning God created the heavens and the Earth - Genesis 1:1

In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made - John 1:1-3

It is the first book of the Bible and it talks about God, the beginning, creation, and the first Adam.

In the New Testament, it talks about Christ, the Beginning, creation, and the good news and free gift, called the Gospel. Among his numerous titles, he is called the creator and the 'Second Adam.'

We are talking about Genesis and Jesus Christ.

Though the name of 'Jesus' is not found in Genesis, His fingerprints are everywhere. In Jesus in Genesis, you will learn about:

  • Creation and Christ's role in it;
  • Genesis and it's general background;
  • Portraits and titles of Christ in Genesis - there are many;
  • The three patriarchs - Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - and what Christ teaches about them;
  • The days of Noah and how they fit in with Jesus' last days teaching

Jesus in Genesis gives you thorough coverage of the Son of God and the first book of the Bible. Combine the audio MP3 teaching with 18 Pages of printable PDF notes, you will have greater insight about being 'on the rock' and becoming 'future-ready.'

Jesus is Genesis will change your life! and this series can help!


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Jesus in Genesis (Understanding the Bible Series) Kameel Majdali

Jesus in Genesis (Understanding the Bible Series) Kameel Majdali

In the New Testament, it talks about Christ, the Beginning, creation, and the good news and free gift, called the Gospel. Among his numerous titles, he is called the creator and the 'Second Adam.'

It is the first book of the Bible and it talks about God, the beginning, creation, and the first Adam.
MP3 Audio files with printable PDF notes.

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