Sale! Lee Strobel shares the unswerving truth that, through Christ, we have access to unlimited, unfailing Hope View larger

The Case for Hope (Lee Strobel) HARDCOVER


Hope - Looking Ahead with confidence and courage.
In The Case for Hope, best-selling author Lee Strobel shares the unswerving truth that, through Christ, we have access to unlimited, unfailing hope. Included is a 30-Day Journey of Hope journal to help you meditate on specific passages of Scripture, allowing God's words of hope to come to life as never before

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Hope is the indistinguishable flicker God ignites in our souls...when we are surrounded by utter darkness.

We live in a world filled with strife and disorder - one that can bring discouragement and make our future seem bleak. But when we find hope, we can overcome whatever trouble surrounds us. With hope comes overriding confidence that, no matter what we face, God is with us and is greater than any challenge we encounter.

So where do we find hope that lasts? What is the reason for our hope?

In The Case for Hope, best-selling author Lee Strobel shares the unswerving truth that, through Christ, we have access to unlimited, unfailing hope. Included is a 30-Day Journey of Hope journal to help you meditate on specific passages of Scripture, allowing God's words of hope to come to life as never before.

'In this world you will have trouble,' Jesus warned. 'But take heart! I have overcome the world.' John 16:33 NIV


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The Case for Hope (Lee Strobel) HARDCOVER

The Case for Hope (Lee Strobel) HARDCOVER

Hope - Looking Ahead with confidence and courage.
In The Case for Hope, best-selling author Lee Strobel shares the unswerving truth that, through Christ, we have access to unlimited, unfailing hope. Included is a 30-Day Journey of Hope journal to help you meditate on specific passages of Scripture, allowing God's words of hope to come to life as never before

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